Sunday, July 6, 2008

doing good...

soo..... it's been awhile since i ended it with sly, and im surprised i havent thought about him as much as i thought i would. which makes me happy! thats good for me because that tells me im really done with him this time around. it doesnt matter anyway because i found me a "friend". lmao this dude i went to high school with. my exes ex best friend. haha oh well they dont really talk anymore, so i dont feel bad. i actually wouldnt feel bad even if they were still talking. lol im terrible. anyways, i have a fire to go to!


Eb the Celeb said...

mom says that the ex comes to her vickie's a lot with his new gf and tries to run and hide from her everytime she sees him and she runs after him... hahah

i thought that was pretty funny... look at you getting the hang of the blogging thing

luv ya sis

Keiko said...

brad is an idiot. he doesnt realize no one cares anymore. lol he's such a punk!

blogging is interesting. but let me get back to my resume! love ya too

Ms. emmotions said...

dosnt really matter u know, watever u do just be happy gal

Ashley T said...

no one cares about Brad so he is an idiot... and do whatever you feel like cause again he doesn't matter so if his feeling get hurt, good!